Cardiac Monitoring (Holter and MCT)

If symptoms tend to come and go, a regular ECG may not find a change in the heartbeat. Your healthcare team may suggest wearing an ECG monitor at home. There are several types of portable ECGs.

1. Holter monitor: This small, portable ECG device is worn for a day or more (upto 7 days) to record the heart’s activity. You wear it at home and during daily activities. It is used to detect irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) that may not appear in a standard ECG.

How it is works

  • A healthcare provider applies small conducting patches called electrodes to your chest
  • The electrodes attach to a recording monitor with wires.
  • You wear the monitor during normal activity
  • Requires patients to keep a diary of symptoms and activities
  • You return the monitor to your healthcare provider’s office after 24 to 48 hours

2. Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT): It is a more advanced, real time heart monitoring system that can record heart activity for up to 30 days.

How it is works

  • It automatically detects and transmits abnormal heart rhythms to a monitoring center in real time.
  • More sensitive than a Holter monitor, as it can capture any sudden life threatening arrhythmias.
  • Does not require constant patient input as it transmits data automatically.
  • Often used for long term monitoring in patients with unexplained palpitations, fainting, or intermittent arrhythmias.
  • Holter Monitor is best for short-term monitoring of frequent symptoms.
  • MCT is ideal for long term, realtime tracking of sudden, serious heart rhythm issues.